My Midlife “ah ha” Moment - Midlife Manifesto
I blame the fridge magnet. In my forties I bought this very fridge magnet. It unsettled me more than I cared to admit, and the three little words “Is this it?” kept swirling around my head. With a successful career, husband, 2.4 children and a house in Sydney’s answer to Wisteria Lane, why did I still feel so savagely unfulfilled? Be careful what you wish for…. There followed a perfect storm - divorce, death of my parents selling up and moving house, all topped off with a very stressful job. I hopped off the carousel for a bit to get my life in order, and my book “Midlife Manifesto” is the result. It has helped me, and I hope it will help you. And inspire you. And, most importantly, make you laugh.